Thursday, March 14, 2013

Weight Watchers Update: Week 3

This week was not the greatest as far as eating good for me.  My husband ate out a total of 3 times this week and I didn't make the wisest decisions.  I also had a small vanilla cone from Dairy Queen.  By the way, it was delicious!  So, because of this I was not expecting much.  I also didn't work out at all.  I only lost 1 pound this week.  I still count this as a win.  I didn't gain anything!  I still feel good about this wee.  No regrets.  I'll just do better next week! My total weight loss right now is at 8 pounds so I'm very happy about that. 

I've decided that I will do weekly updates here on my blog and monthly updates on my YouTube Channel

Watch the video below and read my first blog post to see why I started and where I want to end up!

Thank you so much for watching and reading!



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