Friday, November 15, 2013

Review: EM Chiaroscuro Contour & Highlight Stick

This is think is a very unique product because it is in a stick form and it a cream product.  I have the color Fair Tones.  This retails for $25 and you can get it HERE.  This is, for me at least, a really cool product but not something totally necessary.  It has a nice champagne highlight on one side and a cool brown contour on the other side.  Even though at first I was concerned how cool toned the contour side was it looks very natural when it is applied.  This is super easy to blend with fingers or a brush.  It doesn't fade too much through out the day.  I think this would be great for travel because it has two products right there.  Both sides seem to have a magnetic closure so, I wouldn't be that concerned with the covers coming off.  This makes it really easy to contour and highlight and really blend it in seamlessly. If you are someone who is wanting a really strong contour maybe go a shade darker than what you think because this is more subtle.  I would recommend this but its not totally necessary.  I do really enjoy this though.

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