Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

So this is the first Valentine's Day that I've been married to my husband.  We got married June 16th 2012 at my parent's house.  We have been together for 8 years in April.  We met at church when he moved here from North Carolina.  He is my sole mate and my everything.  He is so caring and reminds me to just relax, and to have fun.  I can not wait to start a family with him he will be an awesome dad!  So I just wanted to say thank you to him for everything he does and will do in the future.  For being understanding and loving me no matter what happens.  

Happy Valentine's Day!
I love you!

I hope everyone finds a love like the one I am so lucky and blessed to have!

Kyle and I on his 21st Birthday almost 4 years ago

Kyle and Bear

Highschool Christmas Dance, I think I was in 11th grade.

Kyle's Senior Prom 2007

Kyle's Junior Prom 2006

Church trip to San Antonio Texas


When he proposed on Coronada Beach in San Diego, CA April 1st 2011

When we got married June 16th 2012

I love you so much!

Thank you for watching and reading!



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