Monday, February 17, 2014

TBT: 2/20/2014

These pictures are from when I was about 17 and in high school.  So probably 2008 because I think this was my senior year.  I was kind of a punk rocker. HA! As I'm sure you can tell in these pictures and other Throw Back Thursdays to come!  This was for a school project.  We had to take action shots and then I just went the extra mile and added text and altered the colors and what not.   I was also showing my gymnastics skills that I still had lol.  Sort of...

This is one of my sister Mia who was maybe 16 I think.  She was more goth but this was her coming out of her goth phase lol.

I hope you guys enjoyed this Throw Back Thursday!  I'm going to try to do this every Thursday just because I think it's fun!



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