Thursday, September 12, 2013

Weight Watchers Update: What have I been doing?!?!

So.... not going to lie guys, I've pretty much been slacking since my last update which was months ago.  I'm sorry I haven't updated you but mostly I feel like I let myself down.  I really indulged myself and gained everything I lost back.  I have such a sweet tooth that its hard for me to say no.  Right now, today, I have written up what I like to call "My Skinny Girl Inspiration" so whenever I feel like I want to eat a whole pan of cookies I can look at this and remind myself of my goals.  I can look at this list and really ask myself will this get me there? 

This doesn't mean that I'm not going to have A {meaning singular} cookie or ice cream cone every once in a while but I'm not going to have a whole pan of cookies or a whole carton of ice cream.  It's all about balance and I'm trying to figure it out.  It's hard for me and a lot of trial and error.  I'm trying to hold myself to a higher standard without beating myself up over my mistakes.

A really great book I have read that I feel has a lot of aligning principles with Weight Watchers is by Bethany Frankel called Naturally Thin.   It is an excellent read.  Very entertaining with some great tips. I have read it three times.  Although I have a hard time following all her tips, it definitely helps a lot.

Right now my goal is to just stick to the plan and follow through.  I'm on my way and this will be a long journey but one that I really can't wait to see the end result of all this hard work.

My Skinny Girl Inspiration

No fear of bikini season
Look good in skinny jeans
No flabby stomach
Feeling sexy
Feeling healthy
No muffin top

Thank you so much for reading.



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